Combustible and Toxic Gases

Trinity Energy Innovations offers the installation and commission of all types of Continuous monitor and control of toxic gases, combustible gases and oxygen hazards systems, such as in underground garages that are capable of operating the garage exhaust fans automatically to prevent the accumulation of toxic gases from reaching unhealthy levels.
Generally, it is only during particularly heavy traffic periods when CO levels might actually require the use of the fans. In many cases, fans may only be needed for a few hours during the day, as oppose to run 24/7, since the time when fans may be needed cannot be known in advance.
An automated control system such as the ones installed by Trinity offers unique zoning capabilities which permit the averaging and comparison of multiple sensor readings. Zoning can reduce operational costs by ensuring that localized brief fluctuations registered at a single transmitter do not activate relays. For example, a car idling in a parking structure may locally increase a reading at a nearby transmitter. Rather than activating a fan as a result of the temporary localized fluctuation, zoning can be used to limit relay activation until the average reading for a zone exceeds a set-point. This can reduce run time of fans, yielding savings in both energy usage and wear and tear.
Another example of Continuous monitor and control of toxic gases and oxygen is the Refrigerant Gases Leak detection and alarm systems. Our continuous, real-time monitoring system is the quickest, most reliable way to detect and respond to leaks. Unlike sample draw systems which take periodic samples of the air over time, our diffusion technology alerts you of a leak at the absolute earliest by continuously monitoring the air quality in real time. With no pumps, filters or tubes, installation and maintenance costs are also reduced.
One complete system installed by Trinity Energy Innovations is compliance with ASHRAE 15 and CSA-B52, keeps us environmentally responsible by detecting the latest refrigerant gases, and maximizes protection from leaks.

1260 Journeys End Circle, #21
Newmarket Ontario
L3Y 8Z7
Newmarket 905.853.7155
Toronto 905.887.7359
Fax 905.853.2680
Copyright 2023 Trinity Energy Innovations Inc. Site by Ideum Communications & Design Inc.