Pressure Booster Pumps

Trinity Energy Innovations Inc. offers a complete turn-key option when retrofit a Domestic Cold Water Pressure Boosting Station in commercial, industrial or Multi-residential condominiums. The new systems are custom made to accommodate the specific needs of the existing systems location and space available.
A pump is predictable in the way it reacts to system demand. As the demand fluctuates, the pump rides back and forth on its curve. A drop in demand causes the pump to ride back on its curve and, consequently, generate more pressure. In a Pressure Booster System without a means to adjust the pumps’ speed to the demand, this additional pressure is absorbed by the Pressure Reducing Valve. The net result is a waste of energy. Variable speed pumping allows us to precisely match the discharge pressure of the pump to the actual system demand requirement. This significantly reduces the amount of pressure absorbed by the PRV. In some cases, the PRV can even be eliminated. That allows us to generate only as much pressure as the system requires. Since energy consumption of a centrifugal pump varies as the cube of speed, we can reduce our power consumption by 27% by merely reducing pump speed by 10%. Most variable speed boosters are capable of meeting demand at significantly less than 90% speed so your actual savings may be even greater.
The installation of a Multi-stage High Efficiency Stainless Steel Vertical in line pump system combined with Variable Speed Drives (VSD) represents the solution with the lowest operating costs.
A fundamental consideration in sizing of a plumbing water system or its components is an estimate of the amount of water expected to be used by the customers.
Currently, plumbing industry uses Hunter’s method for approximating peak demand loadings on a building’s water distribution system. This method was developed in the 1940’s and presented in the National Bureau of Standards published report BMS 65, “Methods of Estimating Loads in The Plumbing Systems”. It is still the most widely used procedure and forms the basis for the model plumbing codes (e.g. The International Plumbing Code, The Uniform Plumbing Code and ASHRAE guide).

1260 Journeys End Circle, #21
Newmarket Ontario
L3Y 8Z7
Newmarket 905.853.7155
Toronto 905.887.7359
Fax 905.853.2680
Copyright 2023 Trinity Energy Innovations Inc. Site by Ideum Communications & Design Inc.